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We've made claims easy!
Whichever product you choose, we've made stuff super-smooth.![](/documents/20143/286673/Character.png)
We’ve made claims easy!
Whichever product you choose, we've made stuff super-smooth.![](/documents/20143/314053/cityscape-web.gif/9b9a72a5-47ed-694f-9da2-3882bb52bd29?t=1536412228114)
Select the product you want to claim for
Motor Insurance
Health Insurance
Home Insurance
Loan Protection
Fire Insurance
Engineering Insurance
Marine Insurance
Group Protection
Met with an accident? Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 or Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 or Paid landline - 022 423 12000 and we'll settle your claim real quick!
We’ll need a few details, so keep your vehicle documents handy
We’ll take care of the rest and settle your claim!
Call us on
Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or mail us at support@hizuno.com to let us know to details of your claim
Send us the scanned documents at support@hizuno.com and we’ll get the ball rolling right away (do remember to mail us the originals)
Mail your claim documents to Claims Department – Zuno General Insurance Limited, 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400070
Our in-house claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated
Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 or Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or email us at support@hizuno.com to let us know the details of your claim
Send us the scanned documents at support@hizuno.com and we’ll get the ball rolling right away (do remember to mail us the originals)
Mail your claim documents to Claims Department – Zuno General Insurance Limited, 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400070
Our in-house claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated
Whether it’s an emergency or a planned appointment, simply call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 or Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 or Paid landline - 022 423 12000 to let us know you’re getting medical treatment
We’ll work on your claim and either transfer the money to you if you’ve already made a payment, or directly pay the hospital if you’ve gone cashless
Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or email us at support@hizuno.com to let us know the details of your claim.
Send us the scanned documents via email and we’ll get the ball rolling. Once we receive the originals from you, the process is almost complete.
Mail your claim documents to Claims Desk – Zuno General Insurance Ltd., 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla West, Mumbai – 400 070.
Our claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated at every step.
Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or email us at support@hizuno.com to let us know the details of your claim.
Send us the scanned documents via email and we’ll get the ball rolling. Once we receive the originals from you, the process is almost complete.
Mail your claim documents to Claims Desk – Zuno General Insurance Ltd., 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla West, Mumbai – 400 070.
Our claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated at every step.
Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or email us at support@hizuno.com to let us know the details of your claim.
Send us the scanned documents via email and we’ll get the ball rolling. Once we receive the originals from you, the process is almost complete.
Mail your claim documents to Claims Desk – Zuno General Insurance Ltd., 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla West, Mumbai – 400 070.
Our claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated at every step.
Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or email us at support@hizuno.com to let us know the details of your claim.
Send us the scanned documents via email and we’ll get the ball rolling. Once we receive the originals from you, the process is almost complete.
Mail your claim documents to Claims Desk – Zuno General Insurance Ltd., 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla West, Mumbai – 400 070.
Our claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated at every step.
Call us on Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 Toll free - 1800 12000 / Paid landline - 022 423 12000 or email us at support@hizuno.com to let us know the details of your claim.
Send us the scanned documents via email and we’ll get the ball rolling. Once we receive the originals from you, the process is almost complete.
Mail your claim documents to Claims Desk – Zuno General Insurance Ltd., 2nd Floor, Tower 3, Kohinoor City Mall, Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla West, Mumbai – 400 070.
Our claims team will sort everything out and keep you updated at every step.
Download claim forms
Need more help with claims?
Call us on
Toll free - 1800 12000 Paid landline - 022 423 12000
Write to us on our mail for any queries
support@hizuno.comI authorize Zuno General Insurance Limited to contact me. This Consent will override my registry on the NDNC